Are you dreaming of becoming an online business owner? or do you have a business idea but don’t know where to start or how to start? oh! maybe you have a product and don’t know how to put it on the market.
In this blog, I will take a little time to explain, what to do and how to choose a niche that is a low-completion niche with a lot of potential monthly searches and how to choose the right keywords for your business
There are a lot of people trying to make it online, there are millions of bloggers or online business owners that are posting content on google and bing every day, But, only a few hundred are making money.
Starting a business has a lot more than just picking a name, choosing a location, or a market. I started online with no experience as a complete beginner, and I spent a lot of money and made a lot of mistakes. I’m not a pro, nor a guru, but anyone can learn from someone else mistake.
Profitable niches low competition
Before I go further, what is a niche? and how to choose a niche, or keywords that you are going for. Business online is all about the right keywords, finding keywords in your market, and related keywords.
Niche definition.
Niche Marketing is defined as channeling all marketing efforts toward one well-defined segment of the population. There is important thing to understand that niche does not exist but is created by smart marketing techniques by identifying what the customer wants. Source
Last year I posted the top 3 most profitable niches, and also I give gave a brief definition of a niche. Back then I didn’t know much about blogging, but I tried.
Do you ever heard about that “fake it until you make it” that’s me! I copy other people’s blogs until I got penalized by Google and none of my blogs get indexed or ranks on search engines.
I spent hours searching, studying, and watching videos on how to rank my blogs, and grow my business, and I have learned that in other to rank on Google, I have to find keywords in my niche with low competition.
Now, I can tell you what is a niche. A niche is a market you chose and positioned yourself in.
How to pick a niche?
This could be very challenging when it comes to choosing your niche, there’s no way a beginner will choose a niche and success at it except if you got help from a coach or mentor, even if you got help it will be hard because someone succeeds at a branch that doesn’t mean you will too.
As you see in the niche definition above, your customer will tell you what they want, and the best way to pick your niche is to focus on the data, focus on what your audience wants.
For example, let’s say you are a musician like I’m, but your audience is interested in something else you have to follow your audience and give them what they want.
Business is not about what you want, but what your customer wants. All those things are based on your customer’s data, so how do you find those data?
That’ s why, to run a successful business you need the right tool. There’s a lot of free tools that you can use, but those free tool won’t give you exactly what you are looking for.
Google Analytics can give you an idea, and keywords of how your customers behave and what they type in the search engines. I have used google Analytics for a long time but, my business and my blogs didn’t go anywhere, because all my targeted keywords were so competitive it would take me years to rank on the second page on google.
Also, I’m in a competitive niche. Until I found a tool, that is less expensive where I can do market research for my keywords, and pick the right keywords with less competition.
what are the tools available for niche search and keyword?
There are a lot of tools available in the market, but the good ones are really expensive, like Semrush’s all-in-one keyword/niche research.

Also, there is the Ahrefs tool that most agencies, affiliate marketers, and bloggers used to do searches for their businesses. Ahrefs is the most popular one because it is less expensive than semrush. But still, their lite plan is $99/month, and the lowest plan and the highest are $999/month.
For a beginner, it will be a little tuff to use those tools because they are good but expensive.

A couple of weeks ago I found a tool that is less expensive, and beginner friendly, that gives you the same features as those big SEO tools that I list above. This tool help understands SEO, understand market search, niche, and keywords with monthly search volume, PPC, Keyword difficulty, and trending keywords.
Also, you can spy on your competitors, see what keywords they are using, check their domain authority, how many backlinks they use, and a lot more. Remember Mangools has a 10-day free trial, for those who are interested in trying it.

If anyone clicks this link and signs up for KWfinder, I will get a commission. Thank you for supporting me.
Try it for free here
Niche ideas
I will use the KWfinder SEO tool to find some ideas, about niche ideas someone can use to start a business and be profitable. Before starting up you have to do a market analysis, if you have not built an audience yet, and want to know where to look this tool will help you a lot, in making a good decision and being profitable.
- Parenting niche
- Dating Niche
- Mariage Niche
- Divorce Niche
- Eatting habbit Niche
- Fitness Niche
- Money Niche(wealth)
- Influencer Niche
- Mental Health Niche
- Pet Niche, etc
There are millions of niche and sub-niche categories, that why it is important to do market research before even choosing a name for your business or a domain for your website.
Low competition niches
It is not about the niche but the keyword. To understand all the niche things you must learn about keyword research, long and short tell keywords, keyword dificulty, search volume, etc.
The keyword is what your prospect will type in the search engine, depending on your position in google, that search will trigger your keyword and show your ad if you are using PPC, or your blog if you are using SEO.

You can see my Seo tool shows, how many searches a month for each keyword on this niche, and also the SERP overview and the ranking factors your competitors used to rank on the search engine.
SEO niches
Since you are already familiar with the niche market and have a good understanding of what is a niche and keyword search etc. Now let’s talk a little bit about SEO.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and this strategy is used for organic traffic. To rank organically on the search engine you will need to understand how to optimize your search and all the ranking factors that will help you rank on google.
A Seo niche is part of a large market in which you intend to build and promote your website. Seo nice fall into 2 categories white and gray. The white SEO niche represents the right business with a USP, a good market strategy, and many different ways to attract traffic. In the gray niche SEO category is often the only source of traffic. Read more!
Make money online niche
The make-money-online niche is a subcategory of the wealth niche. The wealth niche is one of the most profitable niches with more than 33 Million searches. Since it’s part of the top 3, the competition also is very high, but don’t worry if this is the niche you chose, there are a lot of ways you can make it for yourself. Need the best coaching online? learn from people that are actually doing what they preach. Check my Number one recommendation here!
Most people are looking for a way to make money on the internet, and it’s good because when the competition is high it helps you understand and read the market behavior and make a good decision, and also it requires you to use the best software to help you if not you’ll burn out and you won’t survive
Health niches
The health niche is also one of the most profitable but required more comprehension and there are more regulations. If you are not qualified or licensed expect it will be very risky, your advice, and the product you are promoting or selling must meet certain criteria. But there are a lot of marketers that are making a killing online in the wealth niche.
Evergreen niches
An evergreen niche is an industry with an everlasting appeal, it doesn’t rely upon a seasonal trend to attract customers, because it sells products or services that people inherently need or desire. AN evergreen niche is a niche where year around
Most profitable affiliate marketing niches.
- Lifestyle and wellness
- Technology
- Personal Finance
- Pet care
- Make money from home
- Digital agency marketing
- NFTs
- Bitcoin market
- Stack Market niche
- Domain flipping niche
You have learned in this blog how to pick a niche and how to choose a profitable one with low competition. Affiliate marketing businesses or commerce businesses are all about choosing the right niche and the right market.
Businesses online require tools, Keywords, and SEO tools to make them work.
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